Document Manipulation
Create new or open an existing (X)HTML or SVG document. With the help of Aspose.HTML you will be able to open document not only from the local file, but directly from the web.
Save the document along with all the referenced resources, such as CSS and images. Aspose.HTML offers you the highly customizable saver, which is able to save not only the document itself, with all the referenced resources, but even other documents, referenced by it.
Create, edit, remove and replace HTML nodes via the rich API based on the Document Object Model (DOM) defined in the official documentation.
Wide possibilities of environment customization. You can specify user style sheet, font folder, external resource handler and much more.
Web Scraping
Although Aspose.HTML is not a web scraper by itself, but it can be used to collect information from the opened document:
Navigate through the HTML elements with the help of DOM API. Aspose.HTML implements Traversal interfaces which allows you to easily navigate through the DOM tree.
Collect information from the HTML documents, using high performance XPath queries. Aspose.HTML supports XPath 1.0 interfaces, defined in the official documentation.
Collect HTML elements, by executing CSS Selector queries. Aspose.HTML implements CSS Selectors API according to the latest documentation.
One of the main goals of Aspose.HTML - is to provide simple, highly customizable and precise converters.
Simplicity: Aspose.HTML API provides you the ability to convert (X)HTML, SVG, EPUB and MHTML to many different formats with just one line of code. Here is an example of HTML to PDF conversion.
Built-in Formats
Real world HTML page - is a very complex set of formats, working together. That's why development of high quality converter is such a complex task. Aspose.HTML includes implementations of all the HTML related formats.